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The Alex Jones TV Latest Shows 30 January 2012

Watch Online The Globalist Revolution Against Humanity Just Hit DEFCON 1, SOPA & ACTA: The Total End of Internet Freedom with Privacy Activist Katherine Albrecht in The Alex Jones TV Latest Shows 30 January 2012
The Globalist Revolution Against Humanity Just Hit DEFCON 1
Alex takes on the full spectrum of attacks facing society. From new wars, a domestic clampdown, the on-going economic crisis and the bombardment of food, water and environment with dangerous chemical compounds, humanity is under attack.

Alex also talks about a proposed New Jersey ban on ammunition, a de facto circumvention of the Bill of Rights' guarantee to the right to bear arms. The Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) culture of lying is also in focus, with the recent release of Infowars' viral video TSA: The Greatest Liars on Earth.

In other news, police fire tear gas and rubber bullets on Occupy Oakland protesters while the former Federal Reserve boss Herman Cain seeks to deliver his Tea Party supporters to the Newt Gingrich presidential campaign. The ACTA bill, like the SOPA and PIPA acts, threaten the future of Internet freedom. This and more, along with your calls.

SOPA & ACTA: The Total End of Internet Freedom with Privacy Activist Katherine Albrecht
On the Monday, January 30th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with GCN radio host and privacy activist Katherine Albrecht. She has authored and co-authored six books, including the award-winning bestseller Spychips: How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID and The Spychips Threat: Why Christians should resist RFID and electronic surveillance. She is the Director of CASPIAN Consumer Privacy (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), an 18,000-member grass-roots organization.

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