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US man, Richard Norris, undergoes full face transplant Aljazeerah 28 March 2012

Watch Online US man undergoes full face transplant Fifteen years after gunshot wounds left him permanently disfigured, a US man has been given a new face, in what doctors have hailed to be the most extensive face transplant ever attempted. Richard Norris was accidentally shot in the face almost 15 years ago. Although he survived the incident, he has been hiding behind a mask ever since, too ashamed to show what is left of his face. Norris underwent surgery at the University of Maryland where surgeons performed a full face transplant.  Other than the new face, which was provided by an anonymous donor, surgeons also gave Norris a new tongue, teeth and jaw in the 36-hour operation. If Program is not complete and / or The Video is Not Loaded , Please Refresh The Page for More Parts and to Load The video Properly. Thanks for your Patience

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