Bal Thackeray's Dies, last rites to be held at Shivaji Park
Watch Online Bal Thackeray's last rites to be held at Shivaji Park
Bal Thackeray, a maverick politician who roused emotions on Marathi pride and catapulted Shiv Sena to power in Maharashtra in the 1990s, died here after having been critically ill for the past few days. The 86-year-old cartoonist turned politician, known for his strong views and speaking his mind, sometimes bordering on the offensive, breathed his last at 3.30 PM at his residence 'Matoshree' in suburban Bandra. Reportedly, his last rites will be held at Shivaji park in Mumbai.
Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray, who has been critically ill for the last few days, has passed away at the age of 86. Thackeray breathed his last at 3.33 PM, according to his doctor Jaleel Parkar. Shiv Sena has appealed to remain calm, Family members have rushed towards Matoshree.
Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray, who has been critically ill for the last few days, has passed away at the age of 86. He breathed his last at 3.33PM, said his doctor Jaleel Parkar.
The man, who would go onto become one of the most divisive figures in Bombay, came from a legacy of tolerance. But critics see this as one great paradox: a man who injected a culture of intolerance into the veins of India's most tolerant city.
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