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Obama on immigration reform Euro News 29 Jan 2013

Watch Online Obama on immigration reform Euro News 29 Jan 2013 Obama: "time is now" for immigration reform US President Barack Obama has urged Congress to get behind plans to overhaul the immigration system. A new proposal includes offering a route to citizenship for millions of unregistered immigrants living in the United States. President Obama said: "I am here today because the time has come for common sense, comprehensive immigration reform, the time is now." "And if Congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion I will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote in a right way," he added. Numerous efforts to overhaul immigration policies over the past two decades have failed. But, with Latino voters at the forefront of the minds of both the Democrats and the Republicans following the recent election, a bi-partisan approach is looking more likely than it has done for many years. If Program is not complete and / or The Video is Not Loaded , Please Refresh The Page for More Parts and to Load The video Properly. Thanks for your Patience

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