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The Alex Jones TV Latest Shows 8 February 2012

Watch Online Radical Wahhabist are The Sword of The Nwo, Global Marmist Turn on Al Gore! Marc Morano Reports, Virginia School System Goes Too Far in Mark Denicore's School Truancy Case, Foreign DNA Found in Vaccine Can Cause Disease: Curt Linderman Sr Reports in The Alex Jones TV Latest Shows 8 February 2012
Radical Wahhabist are The Sword of The Nwo
Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
February 8, 2012

The global elite will not rest until they have revoked the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Over the last few years, they have engaged in a concerted attack on our founding documents and time-honored ideals. On Tuesday, the New York Times continued this trend with an article on the front page of its print edition.

"The rights guaranteed by the American Constitution are parsimonious by international standards, and they are frozen in amber," the New York Times argues.Entitled 'We the People' Lose Appeal With People Around the World, the article by Adam Liptak argues that the Constitution is outdated, inflexible and no longer trendy. It cites an article published in June in The New York University Law Review that explains how America's Constitution is "losing its appeal as a model for constitutional drafters elsewhere" as statists, bureaucrats and autocrats turn to examples presented by more malleable documents such as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and those produced by India, South Africa, New Zealand and the United Nations.

Global Marmist Turn on Al Gore! Marc Morano Reports

Alex Takes Calls on The Global Elite Moving to Revoke The Constitution

Virginia School System Goes Too Far in Mark Denicore's School Truancy Case
Judge sets trial date in Loudoun school-tardiness case
By Emma Brown

Amy Denicore helps her daughter Daisy, 7, with a school project. (Astrid Riecken - FOR THE WASHINGTON POST) Amy and Mark Denicore are headed to a full-blown trial to defend themselves against charges that they violated Virginia law by making their kids late to elementary school too often.

The Loudoun County couple was arraigned Monday morning in juvenile and domestic relations court. Judge Pamela L. Brooks set a trial date of March 14.

The Denicores are each charged with three Class 3 misdemeanors, each of which carries a maximum fine of $500. Their three children, ages 6, 7 and 9, have been late to school almost 30 times since September. Most of their tardies were three minutes or less.

Their case has sparked debate about whether the school system is overreacting to a minor offense or rightly clamping down on a habit that's disruptive to teachers and other students.

(Column | An absurd case: The punishment should fit the crime)

The Denicores — both of whom are trained as lawyers — argue that whatever one's opinion of their parenting, the county has no legal authority to convict them of a crime.

They are charged under the state's compulsory education law, §22.1-254, which says parents have to send their kids to school "for the same number of days and hours per day" as school is in session.

Another statute, §22.1-258, clearly spells out how school systems must proceed in the case of chronic absences when there is "no indication that the pupil's parent is aware of and supports the pupil's absence." Neither statute specifically addresses tardiness.

The Denicores said they will move on March 14 to have their case dismissed. If it proceeds, they plan to subpoena a handful of witnesses to testify, including their kids' teachers and principal.

In court Monday, Brooks told the couple that similar trials are generally scheduled for 12-15 minutes, but there is no time limit for arguments

Foreign DNA Found in Vaccine Can Cause Disease: Curt Linderman Sr Reports

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