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The Alex Jones TV 4 April 2012 Latest Shows: Global Warming

Watch Online YouTube Pulls Critical Video Exposing Global Warming Professor, Marc Morano Exposes Professor Pushing Green Authoritarianism, Weather Control as a Global Weapon with Author Bob Fletcher , The Rapidly Crumbling Global Economy with Swiss Investor Marc Faber, YouTube Now Banning Videos Critical of Global Warming Alarmism, Total Criminal Domination of America by The International Banking Cartel all in The Alex Jones TV 4 April 2012 Latest Shows: Global Warming
YouTube Pulls Critical Video Exposing Global Warming Professor
Poking fun at a public figure who openly calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be "treated" as a way of re-educating them is apparently off limits for You Tube, who censored a video in which Alex Jones used absurdist satire as a vehicle to illustrate the crackpot and dangerous beliefs of University of Oregon Professor Kari Norgaard.

As we documented last week, during a climate change conference in London which promoted the idea of forcibly imprisoning humans in ghetto prison cities for the good of the earth, Norgaard presented a paper in which she characterized doubts about anthropogenic climate change as both racist and a "sickness" for which individuals need to be "treated".

The video, which can be viewed above via, contains a clip from Infowars Nightly News in which Alex Jones gives Professor Norgaard the coveted 'Skeksy Award', which is reserved for only the most ardent promoters of tyranny and authoritarianism.

After Rush Limbaugh also directed scorn at Norgaard's work, the University of Oregon had to back down and claim the inclusion of the word "treated" in the press release describing Norgaard's paper was a mistake. Norgaard is now being framed at the victim of the whole piece, despite the fact that her dangerously authoritarian tendencies are shared by a raft of other prominent global warming alarmists.

Indeed, videos made by global warming alarmist groups showing children being blown up and having their guts splatted everywhere for not reducing their carbon footprint are apparently fine by You Tube, but suggesting Norgaard isn't the most attractive woman on the planet is tantamount to hate speech.

The humor directed at Norgaard is at worst sophomoric -- it can hardly be described as being "designed to harass, bully or threaten," which are the labels You Tube applied in deleting the clip and placing a strike against the Alex Jones Channel.

This is straight out of the playbook of Obama's information czar Cass Sunstein, who in a 2008 paper advocated taxing or outright banning political ideas not approved of by the establishment -- including skepticism of man-made global warming.

The 'Community Guidelines warning strike' (see it here), cautions that the account is "not in good standing" because a You Tube user flagged the Norgaard video as having violated You Tube's community guidelines which pertain to preventing, "predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people's personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts."

When an account is considered by You Tube to be "not in good standing," privileges are removed and repeated violations can result in termination of the account altogether, and with it the loss of tens of millions of video views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Marc Morano Exposes Professor Pushing Green Authoritarianism
Prof. Norgaard under attack for her study: 'Upon her return, she found her name on Rush Limbaugh's lips, her university e-mail stuffed with hundreds of hateful messages...'

Weather Control as a Global Weapon with Author Bob Fletcher

The Rapidly Crumbling Global Economy with Swiss Investor Marc Faber

YouTube Now Banning Videos Critical of Global Warming Alarmism

Total Criminal Domination of America by The International Banking Cartel

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